03 9470 8300

Clinic Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00am to 5:00pm

Closed weekends and public holidays

Dr Rabin Sinnappu

Dr Rabin Sinnappu


Registered on the Medical Board of Victoria since 1997, Dr Rabin Sinnappu is a Consultant Geriatrician at Northern Health with private rooms located in Bundoora and Hawthorn. He also perform visits to residential care facilities to assess and manage patients.

Dr Sinnappu’s major areas of interest are dementia, the management of behavioural disturbances related to dementia as well as the caring for older people with multiple medical conditions. He also has an interest in facilitating advance care planning (also known as end of life discussion) for patients, particularly for those in residential care facilities. Also consulting at Northern Health.

About BSHC

Bundoora Specialist Health care is a group of specialist health care professionals based in Bundoora, Melbourne.

Covering a broad range of conditions, BSHC is dedicated to providing the highest quality, comprehensive health care to Melbourne's North.

Contact Us

Phone: 03 9470 8300

Fax: 03 9470 8311

Address: 445 Grimshaw Street
VIC 3083