03 9470 8300

Clinic Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00am to 5:00pm

Closed weekends and public holidays

Angelo Matsas

Angelo Matsas

Member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association since 1999, Angelo has worked across all the major areas of health care as a Physiotherapist. These areas include working in acute and rehabilitation hospitals, in community health and private practice settings. Angelo has also been involved in teaching Physiotherapy undergraduate students at La Trobe University, Bundoora, since 2003.

Angelo has extensive experience in providing Physiotherapy to patients with musculoskeletal, neurological and/or cardiorespiratory conditions. He also has a special interest in providing Physiotherapy to patients that are at risk of falls due to impaired balance and patients with vestibular disorders (dizziness). Angelo can also provide home visits to patients to help maximise their mobility and function and reduce their falls risk in their own home environment.

About BSHC

Bundoora Specialist Health care is a group of specialist health care professionals based in Bundoora, Melbourne.

Covering a broad range of conditions, BSHC is dedicated to providing the highest quality, comprehensive health care to Melbourne's North.

Contact Us

Phone: 03 9470 8300

Fax: 03 9470 8311

Address: 445 Grimshaw Street
VIC 3083